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10 costliest cities for auto theft claims

June 13th, 2024  |  Auto Insurance

Toronto takes first place as the costliest city in Ontario for auto theft claims, according to data released recently from the Insurance Bu…

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Does my home insurance cover pest damage?

June 10th, 2024  |  Home Insurance

During summer, the pickings are plentiful for rodents and insects. In the warmer months, they’re outside looking for food and a place to ca…

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How to prevent hail damage

June 3rd, 2024  |  Home Insurance

If you’ve never experienced a bad hailstorm, it can be like a “shotgun blast from the sky.” According to Public Safety Canada, hail season …

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‘Negligent operation’ of ATV includes turning it over to inexperienced driver

May 28th, 2024  |  Auto Insurance

If parents permit an adult child to use their all-terrain vehicle (ATV), and the son or daughter then negligently turns over control of tha…

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Feds highlight anti-auto theft measures

May 23rd, 2024  |  Auto Insurance

The federal government says more intelligence sharing among police forces and a working group involving all levels of government are among …

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Safety paramount in swimming pool season

May 22nd, 2024  |  Home Insurance

When temperatures rise, pools offer welcome relief. But with that comes responsibility. As a homeowner, you’re liable for everyone’s safet…

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