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Survey reveals nearly two-thirds of Canadian parents admit to encouraging kids to use electronics on summer road trips so they can talk without interruption

July 18th, 2013  |  News

HUB Insurance Hunter: Arguing children are the most significant driving distraction on family road trips

WINDSOR, July 18, 2013―The weather is finally hot, summer is in full swing and families are making the most of it by heading out on road trips. And while HUB’s Summer Family Road Trip survey reveals that most parents think road trips are a good way to connect as a family, the majority are bringing technology along to help keep the peace.

The Summer Family Road Trip survey, an online study of Canadian parents who take road trips with children under the age of 18, was hosted by Google Consumer Survey on behalf of HUB Insurance Hunter in June 2013. The findings reveal that 86% of respondents agree road trips are a good way to connect as a family, yet nearly two-thirds (63%) of parents admit to encouraging kids to use electronics so they can talk without interruption from their children. When asked if they could only take three items in the car on a summer road trip, they indicate they would bring snacks and drinks (66%), activities for the kids (52%), and a GPS (45%) ― all ranking higher than a roadside emergency kit (40%).

“There’s nothing quite like the open road and quality time in the car to bring a family together,” says Gail Robertson, Road Safety Ambassador, HUB “Yet, our survey reveals that today’s families are keeping the peace in the car by occupying children with electronics and activities. But when it comes to summer road trips, safety should always be the priority. Managing distractions inside and outside the car, packing a roadside emergency kit and making frequent pit stops are all keys to a safe trip.”

Arguing children the most significant driving distraction on family road trips

Summer road trips aren’t without distractions: Over one-third (39%) reveal that their children fighting and arguing in the car is the most distracting. Despite encouraging their children to use electronics in the car, the survey found that only 10% find the noise from the devices to be distracting.

Pit stops help families get to their destination safely

With almost half (46%) of respondents indicating they take summer road trips of five hours or longer, it’s no surprise that almost an equal amount (45%) said pit stops are essential to helping minimize driver fatigue and over a third (37%) agree pit stops help get them to their destination safely. But even with pit stops, nearly one-quarter (24%) worry about getting into an accident, while one-quarter (25%) say they worry about putting up with bad drivers.

A few brave respondents admit to wanting to leave their kids, spouse or pet at home

When asked what family member they’d most like to leave home on summer road trips, more than 61% said no one because they enjoy their family time together. But a few brave respondents reveal they’d most like to leave their children at home (8%), while another 4% said their partner or spouse. Although Canadians may love their pets, when it comes to road trips, 37% leave Fido at home. And for the 22% of families that do bring their pet, one-quarter (25%) said it’s the family member they’d most like to leave at home.

About the HUB InsuranceHunter.caSummer Family Road TripSurvey

On June 4, 2013, Google Consumer Survey conducted an online survey on behalf of HUB among a randomly selected group of 209 parents/step-parents in Canada − all of whom take family road trips with their children 18 years of age or younger.

About HUB

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For further information, please contact:
Adrienne Alexander
Broad Reach Communications
416-480-2552 x2