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Guy takes a nap while his Tesla drives itself

May 27th, 2016  |  Canadian Business

Getting up early to drive yourself to work is no fun, but if someone else is doing the driving wouldn’t it be awesome to get a few extra winks in while on your way?

For most of us, the answer to that question most  yes. But here is another question: “Is a car a driver?” The answer is no. At least not yet, so if you drive a Tesla with nifty autonomous driving features do yourself and the world a favour and don’t be like this guy and take naps while it’s speeding down the highway.

Tesla has been very clear that Autopilot and other self-driving features are not a substitute for an attentive driver behind the wheel. While that man’s nap did not end in tragedy, it easily could have, and if it did he would be entirely at fault. It’s possible that one day manufacturers of autonomous vehicles will assume liability in the event of a collision, but that day is not today.