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Travel Insurance: 5 Overlooked Reasons Why You Need It Before Travelling

August 28th, 2014  |  Insurance

The debate about whether or not to get travel insurance continues to live on. Many Canadians still go back and forth on the merits of having travel insurance when travelling to the United States and abroad. 

Considering the advantages of having travel insurance for your trip, regardless of where you are travelling, this decision should be a no-brainer. Some simply don’t want to pay the money, while others couldn’t be bothered to take the time to get a quote – Two things we would argue are the wrong approach.

The truth is that most travellers often don’t realize the benefits of a travel insurance policy until they have to use it – and once you use it, the odds are you will always get travel insurance when vacationing in the future. 

To help you better understand why you need to have it, here are 5 commonly overlooked reasons why you should have travel insurance:

  1. Emergency medical care abroad is expensive:We have all heard the horror stories of people getting medical bills in the thousands of dollars. Medical care abroad is very expensive, and most people cannot afford to pay for it out of pocket. 
  2. It’s one less thing to worry about:Having travel insurance gives you one less thing to think about. Once you buy the policy you can focus on your trip. 
  3. Credit Card and Employee Benefit Plans Offer Limited Coverage:Most people make the assumption that they have all the coverage they need through their credit card and employee benefits. However, there is a cap on how much will be covered, and it’s often an amount that does not cover the cost of the claim. 
  4. It’s not worth the risk:You never know what could happen to you or a family member when travelling. Why take the risk? 
  5. You are a frequent traveller: The more you travel the increased risk you are exposed to when travelling. The more days you spend abroad and away from home, the more important a reliable travel insurance policy is for your situation. Consider purchasing an annual travel insurance policy to save money. 

Getting a travel insurance quote is easier than you think. All you have to do is go online at a time that is convenient to you and fill out your information. It only takes a few minutes – and that few minutes can be the difference between being covered and having to pay out of your own pocket. 


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