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Traffic tickets and auto insurance rates | HUB Insurance Hunter Blog

September 26th, 2011  |  Insurance

A common thing that people often don’t think about until it happens is how a traffic ticket affects their auto insurance rates. There is this misconception out there that if you get a ticket that your car insurance rates will automatically go up. This is not necessarily true. Yes, your rates can go up but there are a number of factors at play that will factor into your car insurance companies decision to increase your rates. They include:

  • The severity of the ticket: There is a big difference between a minor speeding ticket and a reckless driving ticket. The type of ticket will play a major role in how it will impact your insurance. The more severe the ticket the more likely it will have an impact on your auto insurance rates.
  • Tickets that are currently on your driving record: Your driving record also plays a role. If you have a clean record, then a minor ticket will probably not impact your rates. But, if you already have a ticket or two on your record, then you will most likely see an increase in your car insurance rates.
  • Insurance company policy: A final thing that could play a role in how a ticket will impact your rates is your insurer’s policies regarding tickets and your insurance rates.

For more information about how a ticket could impact your auto insurance rates, call one of our insurance agents. Visit to get 3 quotes in 3 minutes and save money on your next auto insurance policy with us. Saving money on car insurance is as easy as choose, compare, and save. 

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