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Top 5 great tech innovations in 2014

January 28th, 2015  |  Insurance

2014 was another big year in the world of technology innovation. Here are some of the biggest tech innovations we saw in 2014:

Google Glasses

2014 was the year that the spectacles from the world’s largest search engine made a splash overseas. Adopted by the Dubai Police and the RTA, the glasses are now being used by officers to help catch and ticket traffic violations. Through integration with the company’s Google Maps program, civilians are able to use the glasses to find out important road information as well, such as transit wait times or traffic hiccups.

Microsoft's Sauvage Wireless Charging Trousers

We’ve all been there: you’re out with friends, at a coffee shop, or even at a concert, and your phone dies. Portable charging devices to keep those smartphones going have become a big market, and this year was no exception. The charging trousers are a pair of jeans with a built-in charging device in the pocket, powered by induction. At the moment, the technology is limited to certain phones, but expect to see more of the same in the future.


While Apple’s version is not expected to hit stores until 2015, 2014 was still a year where smartwatches made headlines, due largely in part to Google software, used by companies such as LG. Your watch can be synched via Bluetooth, allowing you to do everything from receiving phone calls and emails, to taking notes. Oh, it also tells time.

The iPhone 6

You can’t have a list of technology without mentioning the latest gadget from Apple. While the iPhone 6 features newer design features, such as a larger screen and those nice, curvy edges, the most exciting part of the new phone was the introduction of Apple Pay: a program that allows users to pay for an item simply by standing near a sales terminal and pressing their fingerprint.

Kindle Voyage

E-readers are still relatively new technology, comparatively speaking, and so we continue to see a lot of advances and changes in what options they offer. This year, Amazon’s Kindle Voyage brought us several new features, such as invisible pressure-sensitive bumpers that allow you to flip the page with the press of a thumb, and auto-adjusting screens that will adjust to the lighting conditions of the room or space you are in. They even dim over time if you are reading in bed.

With so many great tech innovations in 2014, the question becomes what’s next in 2015?

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