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Things you Might Not Know about the Google Self Driving Car

July 1st, 2014  |  Insurance

The Google Car is getting a lot of attention in the news these days. The potential for self-driving cars is something that has many drivers fascinated, and for good reason. What might have been considered a pipedream a few years ago, is now starting to look like a real possibility in the near future. Self-driving cars are here and we could see them on the roads sooner than you think.

The prospect of the Google Car is cool and scary at the same time. The idea of being in a car that is autonomous is an experience that most drivers are interested in, however, there are also just as many people that are reluctant to give up control behind the wheel to a computer. Even if the technology is right, trust could be the major barrier to adoption among every day drivers. And, we are not even talking about the insurance and legal ramifications of the Google car and other self-driving cars. To say the least - there are a few issues that definitely still need to be worked out.

Interesting Google Car Facts

Here are some interesting and informative facts about the Google self-driving car:

  • The car has driven more than 700,000 miles in “autonomous mode” on the highway without an accident
  • Google has been testing the self-driving car since 2010
  • The car is 100% electric
  • The car has no pedals or steering wheel
  • You can summon the car using your Smartphone
  • Google is now focusing on city driving – which is proving to be a much more difficult task
  • Technology improvements are required in a number of key areas – lane changes, poor weather conditions, and turning right at a red light, to name a few.
  • Only 4 states have allowed self-driving cars to be tested on their roads – California, Michigan, Nevada, and Florida
  • Google will most likely not manufacture the cars. They will partner with an auto manufacturer

What do you think?

Will you buy a self-driving car when it comes to market? Why? What factors would prevent you from buying one of these vehicles?

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