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Spring Flooding Season has Arrived – Are you Ready for it?

March 20th, 2014  |  Home Insurance

Spring is not only the time of year where the weather starts to warm up, it can also be a trying time for homeowners because it is also the time of the year when basement flooding and water damage can be a big problem.

The last thing that you want is to be caught off guard. We all saw what happened last year with the flooding that took place in Alberta and in Toronto and we all saw the damage that flooding, sewer back up, and water damage can cause.

How to prepare your home for potential flooding

Here are a number of important areas that you need to check to ensure your home is protected:

  • Foundation
  • Interior of your basement
  • Eaves, gutters, and downspouts
  • Lot grading
  • Window wells
  • Catch basins
  • Sump pump

It is also important to remove any water or snow that is built up around the exterior of your home. If you are not confident that you will be able to check for potential leaks and other issues, consider hiring a professional contractor to do the job.

Be proactive – Take steps to minimize damage

If you home is prone to flooding, then you need to be proactive. One of the most important things that you can do is remove valuable items from your basement. This will minimize potential damage and ensure your keepsakes and other important belongings are not in harm’s way. Even if you are as proactive as possible, there is the possibility that you basement could flood. It’s better to error on the side of caution.

Considering a contractor? Tips for hiring contractors for flood repairs

If you do have a flood, or even notice a leak in your basement. Contact a professional contractor right away. When looking into your options make sure that you hire a contractor that is:

  • Fully licensed, insured, and bonded
  • Well known and has a good reputation in your area
  • Recommended by your insurer or someone that you know

Is your home prepared to handle what Mother Nature has to throw at it this spring?

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