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School Zone Safety – End of the School Year Reminder

June 6th, 2013  |  Insurance

Now that we are in June, it is a good time to remind drivers about school zone safety and the increasing number of children that will be present on city streets during the day once school comes to an end.

Once school is out for the year, it doesn’t mean that students will not be present in school zones. In fact, many kids return to the school yard to play with their friends and many others attend summer school. Therefore, drivers need to remain on high alert when driving through school zones during the summer months.

Kids will not only be present in the morning and when the school day ends, they will also be out and about at all hours of the day.

Keep the following in mind when driving in school zones this summer:

  • Put your phone down and avoid other distractions when driving in school zones
  • Take extra care when driving by cross walks and at street lights
  • Watch out for kids that could be run out of the school yard at any time during the day
  • Watch out for kids that are playing in residential areas such as on the sideway on in their driveway
  • Keep a close eye out for kids that are playing at local parks and recreation centers
  • Watch out for kids when you are near local corner stores, libraries, fitness centers, malls, stores, and any other area where kids will likely spend time when not in school.

Slowing down a little bit and being extra cautious can be the difference between a normal day and something bad happening. What do you do to take extra care in school zones?

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