Safe Driving Tips for Drivers on Halloween
It’s that time of the year again. Thanksgiving has come and gone and Halloween is just around the corner. So, now is as good of a time as ever to review some safe driving tips for drivers on Halloween.
While Halloween is one of the most fun nights of the year, it can also be one of the most dangerous nights of the year from drivers. With so many young children and people out in public, drivers need to be extra cautious and be on the lookout for child that:
Are not paying attention
Are wearing dark clothing
Run out across the street and into intersections in subdivisions and on major roads
There is no telling when a child, or anyone for that manner, will run out into the road or force you to make a quick decision. To ensure that everyone gets home safe and enjoy their hard earned candy and treats, drivers need to follow these Halloween driving tips:
Take your foot off the gas a little: Drive a little bit slower and be on the lookout for children, especially in subdivisions where they will likely be trick or treating.
Leave your cell phone alone: With so many people out and about, Halloween is one of the worst nights that drivers should be distract by their cell phone or any other electronic device when they are behind the wheel. It only takes a driver being distract for a few second for something tragic to happen.
Make sure all your lights are working properly: Making sure all your lights are working properly will help to ensure that your vehicle is as visible as possible.
Never assume: Never assume that children are paying attention. Be extra cautious and try to make eye contact to ensure they see you.
Watch out for driveways: With children going from house to house, pay extra attention when you are backing out of or pulling into a driveway.
Taking these tips into consideration will help to ensure that both you and all the children in your neighborhood have a safe and fun Halloween night.