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This Is Past Due: 6 Highly Effective Ways to Get Your Bills Organized

February 25th, 2015  |  Auto Insurance

Losing a bill, or even just simply forgetting to pay it on time can have some pretty serious consequences: you can incur late fees, damage your credit, or even have your services cut off. All of that hassle for a simple mistake? Here are some tips to help you get your bills organized this year once and for all.

  1. Keep it all in one place. Whether it’s a file folder in your office, or an envelope in the kitchen, keep all your pending bills in one place as soon as you receive them. If you receive any of your bills online, you can either print them off, or simply write the total amount on a slip of paper that you put with the other pending bills.
  2. Do not move the bills until they’ve been paid.Many people like to keep past bills for record-keeping purposes or even taxes. But, out of sight, out of mind.  Do not move any bills into their designated folders until they have already been paid.
  3. Save the date.Choose several days every month that you designate as bill-paying days. All of your bills will tend to be due around the same time each month, so the easiest thing is often to have one day at the beginning of the month, and one at the end. You may find it easier to have these dates correspond directly with your paydays if you are on a bi-weekly or semi-monthly pay schedule at work.
  4. Pick a place. Remember the designated spot where you kept your bills? Well, it should be the same place you pay them. If you keep all your pending bills in a file in your office, then you should pay all your bills in that same office. This means everything is kept and handled in the same place, and reduces the chances of something getting lost or misplaced.
  5. Invest in accounting software. Oh, and use it. There was a time when accounting software was an expensive luxury that only business owners would shell out the cash for, or spend the time to learn. But nowadays, there are many inexpensive (even some free!) programs that you can download or purchase to help you keep track of your bills. You can set up reminders and track all your bills once they’ve been paid. It may take a little bit more of your time, but it will ensure that everything is done correctly, saving you hassle in the long run.
  6. Stay organized throughout the month.Once a bill has been paid, it’s a good idea to keep it in your records for as much as a year. Mark on the physical bill any confirmation numbers you might need, and then file all the bills from the particular company together. This may save you a lot of time and hassle later on.

Getting organized can take some getting used to, and some of these systems may be new and take some adjustment. But spending the time to get your bills organized will undoubtedly save you trouble later on!

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