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Most Popular Vehicles to Insure in Alberta

May 22nd, 2013  |  Insurance

Over the past couple years, vehicle sales have soared in Alberta. In fact, more new vehicles were sold in the province than anywhere else in Canada. With so many new vehicles being sold, it only makes sense to wonder about which vehicles are selling and most popular in the region.

When it comes to vehicle sales and car insurance in Alberta, there is no doubt that the pick-up truck is king in this region. Following the trend in the rest of the country, pick-up trucks are far and away the most popular vehicle.

One of the reasons for this trend is that the idea of the pickup as evolved. No longer are they two-seaters that are meant to haul stuff around. Now, they come with comfortable cabs, can seat up to six people and have the flexibility to handle almost anything that you can throw at it. Add to this the fact that many of the jobs in the energy sector in the province require durable vehicles like pickups and it is no surprise that they are topping the list.

So, which models are on top of the list?

  • Ford F150
  • Dodge Ram
  • Chevy Silverado

However, Crossovers and SUVs are also selling very well in Alberta and other areas in the country as well because they are diverse and have the flexibility that people want in a vehicle.

What type of vehicle do you drive? If you don’t currently drive a pick-up, would you consider buying one in the future? Why? Why Not?

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