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It’s that Time of the Year Again – Updating Your Home Inventory List

January 21st, 2014  |  Insurance

January is not only a great month to review your auto and home insurance policies, it is also the best time of year to review your home inventory list. A lot can change during the year, especially over the holidays when you may have purchased new expensive items such as jewelry, a television and other high ticket items.

How to update my home inventory list

Hopefully you have a digital file of your home inventory. If you do, all you have to do is open up the file, review the list, delete items that are no longer in your home, and add the new items. If you have a paper copy, now is the perfect time to create a computer file – they are much easier to maintain.

When adding new items make sure you include the following information:

  • Item name, description, price
  • Date it was purchased
  • A photo
  • Scan a copy of the paper receipt (for digital records)

What if I don’t have a home inventory?

If you don’t have a home inventory list, now is the perfect time to create one. To make sure that you are doing it correctly, it is a good idea to give your insurance broker a call and ask what you should include. Most insurers will provide you with a document to use or they can refer you to a page on their website that outlines what to include in a home inventory list.

Do you have a home inventory list? Is it up to date? When was the last time you updated it?

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