How to stay healthy while traveling

Do you have a trip coming up? Make sure to stay safe and keep yourself healthy. There´s no feeling worse than getting sick on a trip or having a trip ruined because you weren`t feeling your best. I spent a few days ill on a tropical vacation once and it felt like the biggest waste of money. Let’s look at how you can stay healthy while traveling.
Always stay hydrated
This is my go-to tip because it’s easy to forget about drinking water when you’re having fun or moving around. I suggest bringing a reusable water bottle with you so that you can always fill up (assuming the tap water is drinkable). You also save a few bucks on your trip if you don’t always have to purchase beverages.
On that note, it’s even more important to drink water when you’re drinking alcohol. This will help you with your hangover so that the next day isn’t a complete waste.
Try to eat well
This tip is personally relevant because I just spent a few hours in Cali, Colombia trying to find some decent food to eat. I found the perfect place around the corner that offered meals for a shockingly low price. Then I discovered that everything is closed on Sunday. I had to go to the grocery store and cook my own meal. If you want to stay healthy on your travels, don’t forget to do your best to eat well.
You can also save money by cooking some of your meals. This adds a little adventure to your trip because you have to find the closest grocery store and buy some unfamiliar things.
Walk everywhere
I try to walk everywhere when I’m on a trip. I prefer to walk around and explore rather than just sit around all day. I also try to find a park or a structure where I can do some pull-ups to get in a quick workout. It’s important to not neglect your body when you’re on the road. So even if your trip interrupts for exercise routine, make sure to get in some walking.
I know that there’s so much to do and see, but pace yourself. You don’t want to be walking around like a zombie all day because you tried to fit too much into your schedule the previous night.
Good luck with staying healthy on your next trip. Whether you're escaping the Canadian winter or embracing it, have a good time and make memories that will last a lifetime.
`A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.` -- Lao Tzu