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How to Protect Your Home During Extreme Cold Weather

December 28th, 2014  |  Home Insurance

It’s safe to say that there are very few people who enjoy extremely cold weather, and your home is not a fan of it either. 

Extreme weather can do serious damage to your home, especially if you do not take the proper steps to protect it during the winter.

No one wants to be constantly worrying about whether or not their home can withstand the cold weather or an impending storm.  To reduce your concerns, it’s important for you to understand the threats that exist in order to protect your home during extreme cold weather. 

Top 4 Extreme Cold Weather Threats

Here are the top 4 threats you need to know about and know how to deal with them:

THREAT 1: Cold Air Leaks

Air leaks can significantly impact your home’s level of efficiency in heating your home. When your home is not energy efficient, it will cost you more money to heat during the winter. 

Use these tips to reduce the threat of cold air leaks:

  • Check windows and doors for air leaks
  • Caulk windows and other openings if air leaks exist
  • Keep the blinds and drapes closed
  • Repair or replace weather stripping around your windows

THREAT 2: Inefficient Heating System

Inefficient HVAC and heating will not only cost you money, it will force your home to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature, something that could cause an unwanted breakdown at an inopportune time. 

Use these tips to improve the efficiency of your heating system:

  • Have your furnace inspected by a professional
  • Install a new air filter at the beginning of winter
  • Have your fireplace cleaned and inspected 
  • Use a programmable thermostat to control the temperature in your home

THREAT 3: Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes can cause significant damage. They can cause flooding, water damage and result in a hefty repair bill. 

Use these tips to reduce the threat of having your pipes freeze:

  • Turn off outside faucets
  • Insulate all exposed pipes
  • Turn off the sprinkler system
  • Check pipes periodically during the winter
  • If you notice issues with water flow, call a plumber to check the pipes for freezing

THREAT 4: Winter Storms

You never know when a winter storm can hit your area. The key is to be ready for it to minimize its impact on your home. 

Use these tips to protect your home against winter storms:

  • Have a winter emergency kit in your home
  • Have a 3-day supply of non-perishable foods
  • Educate your family about what to do if you get trapped or during power outages during the winter
  • Make sure your cell phone is charged
  • Invest in a backup generator
  • Remove any items outside that could potentially damage your home during a storm
  • Make sure your gutters are cleaned and free of obstructions to ensure proper drainage during the winter
  • Make sure your vehicle has a full tank of gas and prepared for winter driving

Understanding potential winter threats and how to deal with them will help you protect your home and your family during extremely cold weather. 

Learn More

Tips For Creating A Winter Emergency Kit For Your Home

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