How to plan a family vacation with kids

Spring break is just around the corner, as is summer vacation. That means it’s time to plan a family vacation with kids! It’s time to start asking yourself, where do you want to go, what do you want to see and how much can you afford? The good news is you don’t need to figure it all out on your own. Use these tips to turn the vacation planning process into a family affair.
Ask your kids where they want to go
If you want to plan a family vacation with the kids you may be searching family-friendly destinations such as Disney Land, amusement parks and local fairs. However, planning a family vacation can be much easier than spending hours trying to find the perfect destination. Stop scanning discount travel websites and just ask your kids.
Getting your kids involved in the travel decision process will help them get excited about the trip and take some of the pressure off your shoulders. If you want to go a step further you can give them a budget and let them research affordable destinations and activities.
Look outside family-friendly destinations
Don’t get me wrong, Disney Parks are a wonderful (see what I did there?) place to plan a family vacation with kids, however, they are not the only option. Conde Nast Traveller says to look at one-in-a-lifetime experiences in cities that offer attractions for both the parents and the kids.
Following this advice leads to a balance where everyone can get excited. This can be especially true if you have a child who is 16 and another who is eight. Disney Land will sound great to the eight-year-old, but not all teenagers will find it as majestic. Getting input from everyone can lead to a compromise.
Consider travel time
Whether you plan to travel by car, train, boat or air, it’s important to consider the travel time – especially when you plan a family vacation with kids. Children aren’t known for their long attention spans and that’s why you want a destination that’s relatively close to home. There isn't a set maximum for travel time, but you know your kids better than anyone. Will an eight hour flight make them listless?
We sometimes ignore travel time when planning a trip because we are excited by the destination. But it's especially important to consider when travelling with children, particularly young ones.
Have distractions on hand
Planning is great, but don’t kid (see, I did it again) yourself, there will be downtime. Delays between connecting flights and long hours spent in the car require distractions. Plan activities to keep your kids busy. This can be anything from their favourite music to watching movies on an iPad or playing travel-friendly board-games together.
If your kids are creative and enjoy crafts, you can ask them to keep a travel diary or make a scrapbook of the journey. That’s an activity that will keep them busy during downtimes and make the trip more fulfilling, if they buy into it.
Budget for extra spending
Just as every minute can’t be planned for, neither can every dollar. Using a budget software to keep track of expenses before and during the family vacation can help keep spending reasonable. However, it’s also a smart idea to plan for extra spending. Eating out, buying snacks and purchasing souvenirs are all additional expenses that are hard to plan for.
This also includes purchasing travel insurance for the family. The last thing you want to do is be away from home and have a financial emergency due to a medical emergency or accident. Set an extra 10% of your family vacation budget aside for extra spending, that way you don’t have to worry in case unplanned expenses come up.