How to make travel happen in 2017

“The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.” – Samuel Johnson
Will this be the year that you finally travel? Are you finally going to make the dream vacation happen? I want to help you make travel happen. It’s time to stop talking about it and to actually make your trip a reality. It’s time to see what the world has to offer.
How can you finally make travel happen in 2017?
1) Get into the habit of saving money
Are you saving money or are you just talking about saving money?
There’s a big difference between the two.
I want you to get into the habit of putting aside money for your trips. You can start with just $50 a week and watch how this adds up slowly.
2) Cut out whatever doesn’t help your goals
My goal is to travel often. As a result of this, I’m willing to cut out everything that doesn’t support this cause. Things like going out less often and cooking your own meals are low hanging fruit when it comes to saving money for a trip.
3) Look for cheap flights
I’m always looking around for cheap flights. The most expensive factor of any trip will be the flight. This is what deters most of us from ever traveling. We look at a few expensive flight prices and give up on the whole trip. You don’t have to get fed up with flight prices. You can start looking in advance for flight prices until you find a price that you’re comfortable with.
I’ve saved a decent amount of change simply by tracking flight prices with Google and booking them when they dropped. You can also save money by being flexible with travel time and dates. I’ve found some shockingly cheap flights by going a bit off season.
4) Book your accommodations
It’s 2017. This means that there are no excuses. Everything you could possibly want to know about a travel destination has been written about and reviewed to death online. You can compare travel insurance plans, read different reviews, and find the ideal lodging within a few clicks. You don’t have to worry about being stuck in a hotel that doesn’t suit your needs. A few online reviews will tell you everything that you need to know.
Let’s make 2017 the year that you make travel happen. You can book your entire trip from your cell phone. You can find the ideal destination based on your personal preferences. We live in the easiest time period in history for traveling and seeing the world.