How to Effectively Store Summer Vehicles during the Winter Months
It’s that time of the year again; Time to put away your summer toys and get prepared for the winter. And, for many people, this means putting their summer vehicle in storage. While some people simply just park their car in the garage or throw a tarp over their summer car for the winter months, there are a couple of important steps that everyone needs to take to effectively store their vehicle during the winter.
The first thing you need to determine is where you are going to store your vehicle. Generally, there are two main options for storage; either in your garage or in your driveway. There are also other options that you could consider if you do not have space on your property. They include:
In your backyard
In a storage unit
At a friend or family members home
A monitored car lot
A company or garage that specializes in vehicle storage
Even if you are parking your vehicle in a covered area such as a garage, it is still wise to cover it. This prevents dust from building up on your car.
If you are going to store your vehicle outdoors, then you need to make sure that you have a cover that is weather proof. You need a cover that will protect your car from the winter weather. And, if you store your car often during the winter, it is well worth investing in a high quality cover. The cover will more than make up for the damage that could be caused if your car is stored improperly.
A final thing that you need to consider is taking some time to prepare your car for the spring before you store it. Top up the gas, get an oil change, give it a wash inside and out and even consider removing the tires so they do not flatten over the winter. These things will make sure that your car is ready to go when spring finally comes.
And, if you need more information about how to properly store your car, talk to your local mechanic. They should be able to offer you some good advice.