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Earth Hour – Energy Saving Tips to Save Money at Home

March 20th, 2014  |  Home Insurance

Spring is here! – We have already moved the clock ahead one hour (Are you still feeling the effects of the time change, or is it just us?) and Earth Hour is upon us once again.

This year Earth Hour takes place on Saturday March 29th at 8:30pm with millions of people around the world switching off their lights for one hour to show their commitment to the planet. Are you taking part?

Earth Hour also gets many homeowners thinking about ways where they can cut back on their energy consumption. As a bonus, saving energy usually means saving money. Everything adds up and a few small changes over time can lead to a large reduction in energy use and a lower energy bill at the end of the month.  

Learn more about Earth Hour at and find out how you can get more involved in making our planet more energy efficient.

You can do more than one hour – Long lasting energy savings tips

In light of earth hour, we have put together a series of energy savings tips that will save you money and help to reduce your carbon footprint on the environment:

  1. Use a programmable thermostat: Adjust the temperature when you are not home and during the night when you are sleeping.
  2. Get a home energy audit: That old furnace or air conditioning unit could be using more energy and costing you more money than you think. A home energy audit will help you see the areas of your home that could be made more energy efficient. It can also help you find ways to cut down on your energy bill.
  3. Close your blinds and keep your windows closed in the summer: This will help reduce the amount of cool air that escapes from your home and will help to regulate the temperate and keep it cool during those hot summer days.
  4. Wash your laundry in cold water: This will save money and you will use less energy to do a load of laundry.
  5. Use LED blubs: If you haven’t already, it’s time to replace your old light bulbs with more energy efficient LED lights.
  6. Use your fan: Many people automatically reach for the AC to cool off. You can save a lot of energy and money if you use a ceiling fan or portable fan rather than your air conditioning unit.
  7. Use Energy Star products: When replacing appliances, it is important that you replace your older models with new Energy Star products that are energy efficient.

To learn more about ways to converse energy and save money on your energy bill, check out Toronto Hydro Energy Conservation

Do you participate in earth hour? What steps do you take to reduce energy consumption?

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