Do I need to update my auto insurance if I change provinces?

You got a new job in another province. Excellent news! You are all excited to move to your new home. You search online to find a nice place to live. You start to pack all your belongings and say goodbye to your loved ones.
Before you go, auto insurance comes to your mind. You are not sure if you need to update your auto insurance or continue with the same premiums.
It’s important to understand that you need to change your auto insurance coverage when you move to another province. Each province has its own requirements for the minimum amount of insurance drivers needs to have.
Here are three easy steps you can follow to update your auto insurance if you plan to change provinces.
Contact your current insurance company
Different provinces have different mandatory minimums for liability coverage. Therefore, when you move, you’ll have to make sure you have the legal minimum to operate a vehicle.
Furthermore, not all insurance providers cover drivers in every province. If you move to a different part of the country, you can check in with your provider to see if you can get an updated policy. If not, you’ll have to search for a different company to keep your vehicle protected. Either way, you’ll have to get a new policy to match your new address.
Figure out if insurance if public or private
If you are moving to British Columbia, Saskatchewan or Manitoba, you will not have a lot of options to get your auto insurance coverage. You have to purchase insurance from the government insurance provider in those particular provinces.
- Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
- Manitoba Public Insurance
- Saskatchewan Government Insurance, also known as the Saskatchewan Auto Fund
Shop around for insurance
If you move to a place where auto insurance is offered by private companies, it’s worth shopping around for a new auto insurance policy online. It’s the perfect time to see what’s out there, and to make sure you aren’t spending any more on the move than you must. Just make sure that when you are looking for your new policy you use your new/future address, or else you may wind up with completely useful coverage.