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7 Tips for Long Plane Rides to Make your Flight More Pleasant

June 22nd, 2014  |  Travel Insurance

One of the trade-offs for taking a vacation to an island paradise or popular travel destination is that you will need to take a long plane ride to get there. If you are travelling to an island or somewhere that is a long distance from where you current reside, the only real viable travel option is to fly. But, we all know how uncomfortable a long plane ride can be, especially if you are not properly prepared to spend hours and hours in the air.

Tips for Long Plane Rides that will Make your Flight More Pleasant

If you know you have a long plane trip ahead, maximizing your level of comfort during the trip is essential. There are many things that you can do to prep for a long plane ride that will at the very minimum make the trip somewhat comfortable:

  1. Check in early and pick your seats online:Since most of us don’t fly first class, seat selection is essential. No one wants to get stuck in the middle seat between two strangers or in a seat that has restricted leg room. This is why it’s essential that you check in early and choose your seats online. This way you will also be able to sit with the people you are traveling with and be relatively comfortable during the trip. 
  2. Volunteer to sit in the emergency exit aisle:If you have the opportunity, volunteer to sit in the emergency exit aisle. These seats always have that extra leg room and space that you wish you had on the plane. 
  3. Get up and stretch:To ensure that you remain comfortable, it is important to get up and stretch when you have the chance. This will prevent your muscles from cramping up and it also helps with blood flow to your muscles. Plus, it’s easy to get restless when sitting in the same spot for hours on end and the simple act of getting up and moving around can break up the monotony.
  4. Wear comfortable clothing: Wearing comfortable clothing is essential on long flights. It’s a good idea to pack a sweater and dress in layers. This will ensure you are comfortable regardless of the temperature in the cabin of the plane. 
  5. Pack some entertainment:Always pack some things to keep you entertained during the flight. Keep in mind that not all long flights will show movies or have TVs. Bring a book, load up some movies or episodes of your favorite TV show on a mobile device, bring a crossword book or anything else that will help to pass the time. 
  6. Charge all your devices beforehand:One of the last things that you want to happen once you settle into your seat on the plane is to have your device battery die. Make sure your smartphone, tablets, laptops, and any other device you plan on using on the plane is fully charged before you leave for the flight. 
  7. Eat beforehand: Many flights don’t serve food these days, especially if it is a domestic flight. If they do serve food, you may have to pay extra for it and your selection may be limited. This is why it’s a good idea to eat before you leave for the flight or buy a snack at the airport that you can bring with you on the flight. Being hungry and uncomfortable is not a good combination. 

What do you do to prepare for long plane trips? What do you like to do to pass the time when flying?

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