7 steps to getting the right travel insurance coverage

It is important to get travel insurance for any trip that you, whether you are just visiting a neighbouring province, or traveling to a different country. But, how do you how that you are getting the right coverage? Let’s take a look at some things to watch out for when choosing the right travel insurance plan for your needs.
Know your needs – Ask yourself questions
When looking for travel insurance, it is important to ask yourself some questions about your needs. This will help you to find the right coverage needed for your trip
Do you travel often?
Are you someone who is likely to take several trips throughout the year? If that is the case, then an annual or multi trip plan may be best for you. An annual trip will allow you not only save time by not needing to get a new policy every time you travel, but also money. A policy of this nature will cover you for a full 365 days, no matter how may trips you go on. So even if you spontaneously decide to fly down to New York for a long weekend, no worries, your policy will have you covered.
Where are you going?
While many assume you just need travel insurance if you travel outside of the country, it is actually highly suggested that you get some even if you just leave your home province. Even though you are staying within Canada, your health plan may not cover you for everything if traveling out of province. However, you may be able to get away with a less intensive coverage plan depending on where you are traveling. The further away, and longer the trip, the more coverage you will want to opt for. It is important to note though that accidents can happen anywhere, and sufficient coverage should still be obtained even when staying closer to home.
What sort of activities will you be doing?
Depending on what you are doing while on your trip can change the type of travel coverage that you need. If you are participating in any high-risk activities, for example skiing or snowboarding, then you may need to get a plan with extended coverage.
Do you have checked baggage?
If you are traveling with only one carry-on bag, chances are you may not need complete baggage coverage. However, if you are traveling across the pond with checked baggage, you may want the added protection. This level of coverage will cover you in the even that your baggage is stolen, lost, or damaged so you are not without the essentials while on your trip.
Do you have a pre-existing medical condition?
If you have a pre-existing medical condition you may need added medical coverage. There are some providers that cater more towards those with medical conditions, who help to keep costs fair while still providing sufficient coverage.
Who are you traveling with?
If you are traveling with your family, it may be in your best interest to opt for a multi-person travel insurance policy. This can save you both time and money as you will be able to cover you and your loved ones under one family policy instead of multiple individual ones.
Shop around
After asking yourself some questions about your trip and determining what level of coverage you’ll need, it is best to shop around for a travel insurance provider. Shopping around is the most effective way to find a policy that can give you the level of coverage you need, and at the best possible price. By comparing travel insurance quotes online, you will quickly and easily gain access to policy quotes from leading Canadian provider