6 Asian destinations for summer 2017

If you’ve always dreamed of visiting Asia, 2017 is a great time to do so. With relatively low fuel prices and increased competition between airlines in the Pacific market, you can now get a round-trip flight to multiple Asian destinations for less than $1000 a person. You can also save some money by comparing travel insurance costs.
Here are six great Asian destinations for summer 2017.
Many people try to travel to Japan in the springtime to see cherry blossoms, making the country crowded and expensive. What’s more, springtime in Tokyo can be a tad chilly, making your vacation less than ideal if you aren't prepared. In the summer, Japan is warm and Tokyo still has cherry blossoms, so it remains just as beutiful.
After more than a decade of stagnant economic growth, Tokyo is no longer as expensive as it’s fabled to be. Although hotel room prices in the city remain high, food, transportation and sightseeing costs are well within budget for the majority of travellers.
Across the sea from Japan is South Korea. Its capital, Seoul, is a hot tourist attraction, both for people looking for a base to explore South Korea and for tourists hoping to travel to the DMZ – the heavily fortified border between North and South Korea. Summer is the best time to visit Korea, but watch out for that humidity!
China is a massive country with no shortage of cities to visit. From Beijing to Shanghai to Hong Kong and Macau, you’ll find China both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. If you’re nervous about the thought of making your way through China alone, there are dozens of guided tours run by experienced Canadians – making your trip to China as relaxing as a trip to the Carribean.
Some travelers don’t take vacations to relax – they take them to explore a new country. If this sounds like you, India is your Asian destination for summer. With the famous Taj Mahal and New Delhi in the north, the Himalaya Mountains in the east and Bollywood in the west, India is an up and coming travel destination for tourists of all interests and ages.
Tiny Singapore sometimes gets overlooked by tourists. However, a mix of museums, night clubs, art galleries and stunning architecture make Singapore a must-see in your lifetime. Like all these Asian destinations for summer, Singapore is relatively inexpensive if you’re budget-conscious. On the other hand, as a prosperous city-state, visitors to Singapore can splurge and indulge in their every desire.
As the capital of Thailand, Bangkok receives millions of visitors each year, mostly from Europe. Temples are found throughout the city and surrounding areas, as are palaces. If you love nature, Bangkok is a necessary stop as you head out into the jungles of Thailand. If you love nightlife, Bangkok’s also got you covered with whole neighbourhoods dedicated to serving party-seeking tourists.
As a travel destination, Asia is a less popular destination for Canadians than Europe or Central America. Flights are long, the culture and amenities are unfamiliar and certain places like Japanhave long been considered too costly for budget-wise travellers. While some of these issues remain, the there are so many wonderful destinations out there. If you've always been tempted to head over for a couple weeks, this summer will be an excellent time to do so.