5 top driving tips that can save your life

It’s no secret that drivers have many distractions on the road – but only if they let themselves be distracted. The truth is, nothing should take priority over your focus while behind the wheel, but with phone calls to make, looking for directions and incoming texts, it happens. If you’ve ever had an accident you know it can happen in a split second. Although drivers can’t prevent every accident, there are some precautions you can take to potentially save your life – and the lives of other drivers.
Here are five tips to help you stay safe on the road:
Get a handsfree system
Put down the phone while you drive. Although some situations warrant a phone call, there’s no need to dial while in motion. Using a handsfree system for phone calls, texts and the GPS, allows you to maintain focus on the task at hand and still get directions or make phone calls when needed. AT&T has a slogan that says, “It can wait,” and when it comes to texting and driving, it truly can.
Stay awake and alert
Driving, no matter how short the trip, can lead to fatigue. Being behind the wheel while drowsy is extremely dangerous because within the blink of an eye drivers can lose their focus, and along with it, control of their vehicle. While on the road it’s important to stay alert and pay attention to all road signs. If you’re tired, stop for a caffeine break or pull over to stretch your legs and get some fresh air. Stopping on route may add time to your trip, but it’s time well spent.
Adjust the settings your liking
Before getting on the road, ensure all vehicle settings are set to your comfort. This includes adjusting mirrors, the seat and the steering wheel. When you’re comfortable, you drive better. It also allows you to keep your eyes on the road, instead of trying to find the button to move the seat forward or backwards.
Leave a safe distance between cars
Keep a safe distance between yourself and other vehicles, and avoid tailgating at all times. Readers Digest advises drivers to give themselves a two-second lag behind the car ahead – and to double the space in the winter. Driving a safe distance behind other vehicles ensures you have enough time to break in case of a sudden emergency and avoid a collision.
Get a checkup
One part of safe driving is user behaviour, and the other part is vehicle mechanics. Keep your car safe by taking it in for regular checkups, including oil changes, break checks and tire pressure assessments.
Winter driving comes with some additional obstacles. Ensure wind shield wipers, window defrosters and the heating system are in working order. Regular maintenance can help keep your car – and its passengers – safe.
Maintaining your vehicle, obeying the rules of the road and staying alert while driving are all tips that can keep you and your family safe. Did you know that being a good driver can also reduce your car insurance premiums? When your car insurance policy is up for renewal, shop around to find the best auto insurance rates and be sure to mention your well-maintained car, along with your good driving record, to qualify for applicable discounts.