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5 Simple Ways To Proactively Avoid Travel Disasters

September 16th, 2014  |  Insurance

No one plans for a travel disaster, but you need to be prepared to deal with one when travelling. Even if you are only taking a weekend trip out of town, there is no shortage of things that could go wrong and interrupt your travel plans – some avoidable and others you have no control over. The key is to know the travel disaster risks and what you can do to reduce the odds of them occurring.

Common Travel Disasters

Here are some of the most common travel disasters that you could experience if you do not properly prepare for your trip. They include:

  • Lost luggage
  • Natural disaster or weather issues
  • Missed flight
  • Lost or stolen passport
  • Being robbed
  • Medical issues and injuries

5 Tips To Avoid Travel Disasters

Follow this advice to have a safe and fun trip and reduce the odds of experience a travel disaster:

  1. Do your homework to minimize risk:Booking a trip to a hurricane prone area at the peak of hurricane season is not a smart way to approach travel and it just opens the door for a trip riddled with issues. Before booking any trip, do some research and learn about the risks associated with your travel plans. 
  2. Double check everything before departing: Making sure you have all your travel documents and travel items before you leave for the airport is vital. No one wants to get to the airport only to realize they left their passport at home. 
  3. Travel smart: Avoid putting yourself in vulnerable situations. Knowing where not to go when travelling can significantly reduce the odds of your finding yourself in a compromising situation. 
  4. Get your shots: Make sure that you are up to date on your vaccinations before travelling. Review the health information for travellers for your travel destination. It’s also important to take extra vitamins and build up your immune system before travelling to reduce your chances of getting sick while away. Check out Country travel advice and advisories
  5. Get travel insurance:You never know when something will go wrong. At least having travel insurance can help to minimize the effects of a trip gone wrong.From poor weather, to lost luggage, resort issues, and many others, travel insurance can help you in a variety of ways. 


What tips can you offer to travellers to help them avoid a travel disaster?

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