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5 Efficient Ways to Reduce your Heating Bill and Warm your Heart This Winter

December 23rd, 2014  |  Home Insurance

Everyone hates being cold during the winter, but we also hate those excessive heating bills we get each month. So what gives? Do we stay warm and deal with the high energy bills during the winter? Or do we freeze to save some cash? 

There is a happy medium!

There are a number of highly effective ways to reduce your heating bill and still keep warm. While it may take some getting used to, the following tips can keep you warm and save you money this winter:

  1.  Turn down the temperature

This is obvious. If you want to reduce your heating bill, all you have to do is turn down the temperature. We’re not saying to make it freezing cold in your home, but most people have their temperature set too high. It’s estimated that every 1 degree you lower your home temperature results in a costs savings of about 3% on your energy bill. So grab an extra blanket, put on a sweater, and lower the temperature a few degrees.

  2.  Use a programmable thermostat

Programmable thermostats help you heat your home more efficiently. They give you the ability to adjust the temperature when you are sleeping and when you are not home. Why have the heat turned up when you don’t need it to be on, right? 

  3.  Inspect your windows and doors for air leaks

Windows and doors are two of the biggest culprits for energy loss. Checking them each year is important to identify sources of energy loss. It’s also a good idea to check your basement and attic. Address energy loss issues right away to help lower your heating bill. 

  4.  Don’t heat unused rooms

There are certain rooms in your home that you simply don’t need to heat on a regular basis. From seldom used dens to guest bedrooms, and even the formal dining room, there are many rooms where you can close the vents to help reduce the amount of energy used to heat your home. 

  5.  Get your furnace serviced

Your furnace is the key to saving money on heating costs. An inefficient furnace will always cost you more money than a regularly serviced furnace. Have it serviced annually to make sure it is running optimally. Also, don’t forget to change your furnace filter at the beginning of the winter season. Read Important Tips for Proper Furnace Maintenance and It’s Time to get your Furnace Checked

Do you have any great cost saving tips you can tell us about? How do you keep energy costs down in your home?

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