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5 Effective Smartphone Apps that Improve Road Safety

July 15th, 2014  |  Auto Insurance

We all know that distracted diving and road safety are HUGE issues today. With distracted driving being one of the leading causes of accidents in Canada and around the world, governments and safety organizations are continuing to look for new ways to make our roads and vehicles safer. 

Interestingly enough, it is the same devices that are causing the distracted and road safety issues that are also helping to make our roads safer – mobile phone applications. 

Drivers using mobile devices are four times more likely to get into a serious crash that is potentially life threatening.

If you are having trouble putting your phone down and avoiding distracted driving when behind the wheel, give one of these apps a try:

  1.  PhoneGuard

This is a subscription service that offers a variety of phone safety features that are geared toward preventing distracted driving. 


  2.  Textecution

This app automatically disables a phone’s texting capability when the phone is travelling faster than 10 MPH. 


  3.  Cellcontrol

By plugging your phone into your car and syncing the Cellcontrol Bluetooth, the app will prevent you from using your phone when the car is in motion.


  4.  iZUP (Eyes Up)

This app actually holds back texts, calls, emails, and notifications when you are driving. Incoming calls are automatically sent to voicemail.


  5.  OneProtect

This app allows parents to remotely manage their children’s smartphones and install various driving related polices to ensure that they are driving safe. 


Learn More About Smartphone Safety Apps

Smartphone apps are proving to be a valuable tool for a number of auto and travel related purposes. Check out the following articles about safe and effective Smartphone apps:

3 Designated Driver Apps That Will Get You Home Safely

5 Cool Travel Apps To Try Out


Do you make a conscious effort to be a safe and effective driver? Have you used any of these road safety or distracted driving apps? Are there any apps that you would recommend other drivers try out?

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