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5 Cool Travel Apps to Try Out

June 4th, 2013  |  Insurance

As the saying goes, there is an app for that, and it is no different when it comes to travel. As people rely more and more on technology as part of their travel plans, a number of cool travel apps have hit the market.

Here are 5 cool travel apps that can help you out while you are travelling:

  1. Tripomatic: This simple yet creative app allows you to enter a destination, low long you will be staying, and the app will suggest and map out attractions and things to do on a map.
  2. SeatID: This is a great app that allows you to see who is on your flight and allows you to select your seat via social seating. No more sitting beside annoying passengers on your next flight.
  3. TripList: This app allows you to plan and create lists for your upcoming trips. You can use it as a to-do list or create a list of things that you plan on doing during your trip.
  4. Google Maps: You can’t go wrong with Google Maps, especially when you are travelling and away from home. Find locations, get directions, and read reviews on local establishments sing this app.
  5. Fuel Monitor: This is a great road trip app that allows users to see exactly how much money they are spending on gas for their trip. Just add your car information and hit start.

Have you used travel apps in the past while on vacation? What travel apps do you use on a regular basis? 


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