4 recent developments that have made insurance easier

It can be said that as a whole, we have become too reliant on technology. And this can hold true to a point, it would do us well to stop staring at our phone screens so much and focus on those living and breathing around us. However, technology can be a helpful tool, making more time for that which matters most. Thanks to technology and the rise of all things digital, there have been developments in the insurance world, making things easier for you as a customer. Here are 4 tools to help makes insurance easier for you.
Online quoting tools
With the rise of online broker options, such as HUB Insurance Hunter, finding an insurer has never been easier. Whether you are looking for home, auto, or travel insurance, all you need to do is fill out one form and you will be given quotes by a number of leading insurance providers in a matter of minutes. This allows you to quickly and easily shop for the best coverage and price that fits your needs.
Insurance apps
More and more insurers are developing smartphones apps to help make doing insurance related tasks easier. These apps allow you to receive updates regarding your policy, keep in contact with your broker, easily make changes to your policy, file claims, and much more. Some apps even give you the ability to inventory possessions in your home for insurance purposes.
Telematics is relatively new, and still developing, but is great tool in the insurance world. Telematics is an advanced tracking technology that is able to track and record vehicle data and driver habits. By agreeing to use telematics in your vehicle, your insurer is able to better gage your risk as a customer and adjust your auto insurance policy accordingly.
Digital insurance slips
The days of stressing over whether or not you remembered to put the proof of insurance “pink slip” into the glove compartment of your car is over. In Ontario, you are now legally able to store your proof of insurance digitally on your smartphone. This way you always have it with you, and in the event that you are pulled over and need to produce proof of insurance, you do not have to worry about not having it on you.
Saves time and money –Like they say, time is money. But aside from money, saving time on insurance tasks allows you to get back to your life quicker, spending more time with your family and friends, and doing things you love. However, there is nothing wrong with saving some money as well as creating more time for yourself. By shopping around for quotes online you are able to find the best price for the coverage you need. And, some insurers will offer a discount for those who choose to drive into the digital world, such as utilizing telematics and smartphone apps. Not to mention, having your pink slip on your phone will save you from getting a ticket in the event that it isn’t in your glove compartment!
Makes getting insurance and filing claims easier –Not only do these new insurance tools save you time and money, they make both finding insurance and filing claims easier. There are so many avenues now to find the perfect coverage for you and your needs, with a number of providers right there at your fingertips. And, with the option of filing claims online or through your insurer’s app, you are able to make a trying time just a little less stressful.
If you are curious as to how to take advantage of these tools or have any questions, speak with your broker. Your broker will be able best advise how to get the most out of these new tools, and help you get started with them.