10 ways to get discounts on your auto insurance

Everyone loves discounts. Especially when it’s for something you don’t want to pay for in the first place. I mean, getting free garlic sticks with your pizza is great, but the satisfaction of taking a few bucks back from your insurance company is greater than saving it from the restaurant around the corner. Even if those garlic sticks are phenomenal.
But enough about warm, seasoned cheesy deliciousness. Let’s see how to get discounts from your insurance provider.
Bundle your policies
If you use the same provider for more than one policy you may be eligible for a discount. Just like Rogers will knock off some of the charge if you use their cable, internet and phone packages together, insurance companies will reduce the overall cost if you insure multiple assets. Use the same provider for your vehicle as for your home and get a discount on both.
Bundle your vehicles
Instead of, or in addition to bundling multiple insurance types, use the same provider to cover multiple vehicles. This is another way to bundle policies and receive a bulk discount.
Loyalty discount
If you have been with the same insurance provider for a while, ask them about a loyalty discount. Some companies have a standardized policy (X number of years), while others will only offer a discount when you ask. If you have a history of driving safe and making timely payments it will be worth it to them to offer a discount in order to keep you as a client.
Shop Around
This is sort of the anti-loyalty discount, but it works equally well, maybe even better. If you shop around and find a better rate, it may benefit you to tell your current provider. They may match it or even improve upon it.
Add safety features
Adding safety features to your vehicle can be reason for an insurance provider to offer a discount. Getting winter tires or replacing your brakes are example of discount-worthy upgrades.
Maintain a strong driving record
This one is easier said than done, but keeping a clean driving record is the simplest way to earn a discount.
Bolster your credit score
As with maintaining a strong driving record, this one is straightforward. If you improve your credit score, you have proof that you are a reliable client. Many insurers will happily charge a little less from people they know will pay than charge more from clients they aren’t positive will pay.
Get educated
Some companies will offer discounts to students, or to people who have acquired post-secondary education. If you have a master’s degree, tell your insurer.
Likewise, if you attended driving education classes when you got your license, bring them up. If you didn’t, it’s not too late. Consider taking some classes on driver safety. They cost money, but you can make it back over a couple of years of insurance discounts.
Pay in full
Not all insurance providers offer a discount for paying in bulk, but some do. If you make one annual payment it may end up being less than the sum of 12 monthly payments. If you can afford to make a big one-time payment, see if your insurance provider offers a discount.
Call and ask
Insurance companies aren’t the most charitable bunch, and they won’t hound you for reasons to take less of your money. That is why you need to ask them about potential money savers. If your credit score goes up, tell them. If you add safety features to your car, tell them. If you bundle your policies, make sure they know. Otherwise you end up doing everything right and saving nothing.